Thursday 2 November 2017

Money For Nothing

      In my mailbox I received an unsolicited letter from the Red Cross, asking/begging me for a minimal contribution of £30 to it's "Syrian Crisis Appeal," Which to me seems all rather odd, when you bear in mind the fact that the British Government has already given £200 million pounds and very probably a lot more, supposedly in support of "moderate groups." When in actual fact the only groups to benefit was Al-Queda and other Jihadists, trying to overthrow the Syrian Government and any others who might be in their way. 
      Naturally this is a massive embarrassment for the Government who are admitting to the oversight and the £200 million spent over the last three years, which could be considerably more over the previous years. Although they are reluctant to name the exact groups to benefit from the handouts, possibly as they, knowingly or otherwise, were helping militant Jihadi fighters with British cash, paid through an organisation known as "Conflict!"
      On any news channel it is quite apparent the Assad regime committed atrocities, but so did the opposing forces and in reality Britain had no need or obligation to become involved. And without Britain's interference it is estimated Assad and his allies would have defeated Isis a lot sooner.