Saturday 10 December 2016

Kirov Class

      Don't be fooled into thinking this is a leftover mothballed battleship from the World War ll era, this is in fact the pride of the Russian Navy, the Kirov-Class Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Battle Cruiser, the largest and heaviest warship in the world, (second only to an aircraft carrier).
      By no means a new ship, there are four Kirov Class ships, the original order being for five, though being cut back to four. With only one ship currently in action and another soon expected to re-enter service, the Nuclear Reactors aboard the other two are said to be in such poor condition, they are unlikely to see operational service again.
      The current ship is thought to be the only vessel in the Russian Navy, capable of offering ballistic missile defence and is armed with an on-board deadly array of various missiles, rockets, torpedoes and guns.  

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