Thursday 2 March 2017

Biomass Fuels A Nice Little Earner

      Biomass, the green energy fuel of the future, produced from wood chips, to power the new new-wave Biomass Boilers, meant to replace the old style traditional oil, gas and electricity systems and thereby saving fossil fuels and being generally more energy efficient.
      Regrettably, the entire process is more or less unworkable without government subsidy, running into many millions of pounds, not only for the producer, but the user as well. Initially there have been a number of takers for the process, but the systems are said to work best covering a number of buildings. Landowners and people with small estates of three or more buildings are encouraged to join the commercial RHI (renewable heat incentive) programme, guaranteeing benefits for at least 20 years, although installation can often cost up to £100k. The user then takes a three-monthly reading and is paid according to consumption, payments can easily run into tens of thousands of pounds, will cover installation and will last for the 20 year period and maybe longer. Landowners can find a multitude of uses for their heat, be it in other properties, rented properties and other outbuildings, including such things as swimming pools. Their is however a cap of 1,314 hours, to prevent over consumption by certain less than scrupulous persons, although payment is in full up to the limit and slightly less afterwards, yet still covers the cost of the system.
      At present there appears to be little concern regarding the number of trees which may need to be felled, to keep the whole process in operation.      

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