Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Seven Wonders of...Ukraine.

      There are seven important World Heritage Sites within the country of Ukraine. Saint Sophia Cathedral and related Monastic structures is the first site on the list, an outstanding and architectural construction of Kievan Rus. Next is Kiev Pechersk Lavra, part of the Cathedral complex, but counted as two separate entries and classed as an Orthodox Christian Monastery.
      Lviv Old Town, containing some 2000 historic sites within the centre of the city 214 of which are considered to be National Landmarks. The Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans, now part of the Chernivtsi University. 
      Struve Geodetic Arc, part of a chain of triangulations to yield the first accurate measurement of a Meridian. Wooden Tserkvas of Carpathian Region, an important group of wooden Orthodox Churches.
      And the Ancient Greek City of Tauric, founded some 2500, years ago, which has survived on the Crimean Peninsula.    

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