Wednesday 2 November 2016

Boom Boom!

      Just a simple mention of the fateful and dreaded word Brexit, is supposed to send every man, woman and institution, in the land, into some kind of gloomy, glass half-empty, meltdown. But not so the world of high-end designer luxury accessories. In fact as the value of the Pound Sterling has fallen, there is a notable increase in foreign visitors to our shores and loaded with wads of cash, flocking to British high streets, in search of luxury branded retail bargains. And a number of named shops and stores are reporting a noteworthy increase in footfall and profits.
      Each day, greater numbers of a more discerning customer are arriving from countries such as China and Japan, whom not only have their eyes fixed upon the currency deals, but also see the UK as a safe and welcoming destination, as opposed to some other European countries. They can see their spending power go further on a wide range of services and merchandise
      A great many stores are benefiting from a late summer/autumn mini-boom and not just in accessories, but also quality clothing and foodstuffs from other luxury department stores.
      Perhaps upon the downside from the devaluation, should the pound remain in the doldrums, say by the spring of next year, then there is likely to be a widespread spiral of price adjustment, generally meaning price increases across the board.    

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